Diabetic Retinopathy – Signs and Symptoms to Watch for with Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetic retinopathy is one of the biggest visual health concerns for patients who have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. If you have been diagnosed, it is imperative that you do what you can to keep your sugar levels controlled and pay close attention to your visual health. Here is a closer look at some of the signs and symptoms of diabetic retinopathy to watch for if you have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

Watch out for strings, spots, or floaters in your vision.

One of the very first signs of diabetic retinopathy is one that is easy to overlook or blame on something else. Spots, strings, or floaters in your field of vision can show up seemingly out of nowhere. You cannot focus on these visual disturbances; they will seem to move when you move your eye. These floaters can have several underlying causes, but with diabetic retinopathy is characterized by floaters or spots that do not necessarily go away without treatment from a Hummelstown eye doctor.

Watch for changes in your visual capabilities.

Changes in your glucose levels can automatically mean you have intermittent issues with visual clarity. You may feel like your vision is blurrier at times when your blood sugar levels are high, for example. However, with diabetic retinopathy, the changes in your vision will not subside right away. In fact, how well you can see may progressively seem to worsen.

Watch out for problems discerning colors.

In the more advanced stages of retinopathy, patients tend to notice problems with discerning certain colors. For example, brighter colors like red or bright green may seem duller and less vibrant. You may also feel like your vision is somehow dimmer overall, so you may have a harder time seeing well in certain types of light.

Keep Your Eyes Healthy with the Help of a Hummelstown, PA Eye Doctor

Individuals who have unstable blood sugar levels are most at risk for diabetic retinopathy. Therefore, it is really important that you keep a close eye on your levels, follow a healthy diet, take your medications as prescribed, and get a diabetic eye screening annually. Reach out to us at Kirman Eye if you believe you have symptoms of diabetic retinopathy.

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