The Best Tool For The Job: Testing for Macular Degeneration with the AdaptDx® Pro

As someone deeply passionate about optometry and optical health, I understand the importance of preserving our eyesight. One vital aspect of this is testing for conditions like Macular Degeneration. Just imagine being able to detect a leading cause of vision loss before it advances significantly! That’s exactly what this advanced technology offers.

This powerful new piece of diagnostic equipment is the latest innovation enabling eye doctors to test the night vision of their patients, testing the eye’s ability to adjust to the dark can catch the early warning signs of macular degeneration, one of the world’s leading causes of blindness. And eye care specialists armed with this early detection system can more successfully determine a course of preventive treatment.

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macular degeneration

Macular Degeneration: What You Need To Know

Each February is Macular Degeneration Awareness Month, a designation that’s deeply important to us here at Kirman Eye. To honor that distinction, this month’s blog seeks to educate visitors on the facts about that condition, its causes, stages, and various treatments. Read on to learn more about what it is, and how you can combat it.

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macular degeneration

Signs You’re Suffering From Age-Related Macular Degeneration  

Age-related macular degeneration can be a devastating disease, causing loss of vision in the central field of vision. Recognizing the signs of macular degeneration can help you get the care you need to slow down the development of this condition and limit vision loss.

The First Sign May Be No Sign At All

Age-related macular degeneration often begins painlessly and with few or no symptoms. The best way to protect yourself from this condition is to know if you’re at risk for this condition and see the eye doctor on a regular basis. Risk factors include:

  • Family history – If members of your family experienced macular degeneration, this problem could be in your genetic makeup.
  • Age – Macular degeneration commonly affects people over age 60.
  • Heart disease – Do you have cardiovascular disease? You could be at risk.

Other risk factors include obesity and smoking. If you’re at risk, be vigilant and pay attention when you notice symptoms of vision trouble. Take care of yourself, and know when this could happen to you.

Signs of Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Once you’ve started to develop symptoms, the first thing you might notice is a distortion of the way straight lines may appear curved or wavy. You may also have increased difficulty maneuvering dark places. Dim lights may seem dimmer. Other signs of macular degeneration include:

  • Reduced visual ability in the center of your vision. Peripheral vision will stay the same.
  • Words seem blurry when trying to read.
  • Need to brighten indoor lights when doing work up close.
  • Colors seem less saturated.
  • Blindspot in the center of your field of vision.
  • Difficulty recognizing faces.

What You Can Do

If your vision is beginning to deteriorate, don’t wait to see an eye doctor. Macular degeneration can reduce your quality of life, but you can take action to maintain your ability to see for as long as possible. Contact Kirman Eye to make an appointment. We can identify your condition, make recommendations for treatment and help you manage your condition to ensure you can maintain the highest quality of life possible.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration – What to Know About Your Diagnosis

Macular degeneration is considered to be one of the most common visual health concerns. More than 200,000 people are diagnosed with the condition every year in the United States. If you have just received a diagnosis, you are bound to have some questions and concerns. Here is a look at a few things you should know about your macular degeneration diagnosis.

Changes in Your Vision May Occur

Changes in vision are to be expected if you have been diagnosed with macular degeneration. You may already be experiencing some issues. Perhaps that is what brought you to the eye doctor initially. However, some of the common vision changes that can occur with macular degeneration include:

  • Blurriness
  • Dark spots in your vision
  • Changes in peripheral vision
  • Altered color perception
  • Visual distortion

Close Monitoring of the Condition Is Important

If you have been diagnosed with macular degeneration, you may need to see the eye doctor more than most. Because the condition is a progressive one, the eye doctor will need to keep a close watch on your eye health to adjust treatment plans as needed and preserve your vision. Even if you have never been all that vigilant about getting your eyes checked, your diagnosis means being more attentive could literally preserve your visual capabilities.

Follow Your Eye Doctor’s Advice

Your initial diagnosis of macular degeneration will likely come along with several recommendations from the eye doctor. You will be given a plan of treatment, you may be given medications or eye drops, and you may even be given advice about things you can change in your lifestyle to slow the progression of the condition. Be especially mindful of what the eye doctor recommends; these guidelines can do a lot to protect your eyes and slow the progression of the condition.

Talk to Your Hummelstown, PA Eye Doctor About Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration can be an age-related issue, but it can also be related to several other lifestyle factors. If you believe you are at risk of macular degeneration, be sure to talk to your Hummelstown, PA eye doctor for advice and proper assessment. reach out to us at Kirman Eye to schedule an appointment today.